5428, Private Arthur Brookman SUTTON
Unit: 16th Battalion, 17th Reinforcements, AIF
Where Born: Brisbane, Queensland
Address: Perth GPO, Western Australia, formerly Roslyn Farm, via Geraldton, WA
Occupation: Farm Hand
Religion: Presbyterian
Marital Status: Single
Parents: Mother Edith McNaught nee Fremlin, Walkaway, WA and Roslyn Farm, via Geraldton
Description: Height 5’ 4½”; weight 132 lbs; chest 31½/34”; pale freckled complexion; blue eyes; light sandy hair
War Service: Arthur enlisted 12 Feb 1916 at Blackboy Hill, WA, aged 21 years. On 17 Apr 1916, he embarked per HMAT Aeneas from Fremantle, WA and disembarked at Tel-el-Kebir, Egypt 09 Jul 1916. On 06 Aug 1916, he joined the British Expeditionary Forces at Alexandria and on 22 Sep 1916 left for France to be admitted to the 4th Training Battalion at Etaples. He proceeded to join his battalion and was taken on strength in the field, 01 Nov 1916. The 16th Battalion suffered heavy losses at the First Battle of Bullecourt, when the brigade attacked strong German positions without the promised tank support. Arthur was reported missing in action 11 Apr 1917.
Killed in Action: 11 Apr 1917 at Bullecourt, France, aged 22 years. Arthur has no known grave. Three other soldiers, 3417 Charles Berry, 6483 Andrew Brunton and 5745 Michael Meginess from the Upper Chapman District, also died on this day.
Memorial: Villers-Bretonneux, France
Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal