5363, Private Norman Leslie CARTER
Unit: 11th Battalion, 17th Reinforcements, AIF
Where Born: Dongarra, Western Australia
School: State School, Dongarra
Address: Dongarra, WA
Occupation: Farmhand
Religion: Wesleyan
Marital status: Single
Parents: George and Phoebe Carter nee Criddle, Dongarra
Description: Height 5’4”; weight 133 lbs; chest 33”; fair complexion; grey eyes; brown hair
War Service: Norman enlisted 12 Jan 1916 at Blackboy Hill, WA aged 20 years. He followed his brother Percy who had enlisted two days earlier on 10 Jan 1916, although Percy did not embark to England until three months after Norman. Norman embarked 17 Apr 1916 per HMAT Aeneas from Fremantle, WA and proceeded to Perham Downs, England 09 Aug 1916. On 11 Aug 1916, he joined the base depot in Etaples, France. By
22 Aug 1916 he had joined up with his battalion and three months later on 29 Nov 1916 was admitted to the Casualty Clearing Station with dysentery and discharged a month later. He rejoined his battalion 17 Jan 1917. On 25 Feb 1917, he was wounded in the leg,
back and face. The next day, 26 Feb 1917 Norman was transferred to 45th Casualty Clearing Station then transferred to the Convalescent Depot in Boulogne, France 18 Mar 1917, rejoining his battalion at Etaples 17 Apr 1917. Norman fought in the Second Battle of Bullecourt which commenced on 03 May 1917. The furious fighting, which in the end only advanced the line a kilometre or so, led to heavy losses of over 7,000 Australian
Killed in Action: 06 May 1917 at Bullecourt, France, aged 21 years. Norman has no
known grave.
Memorial: Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
Military Connections: Brother, 5685, Private Percy Carter, returned to Australia 08 Apr 1919. Percy was awarded a Military Medal for bravery 04 Jul 1918.