4937, Gunner Martin Edward DUPLEX
Unit: 3rd Australian Field Artillery Brigade, 8th Battery, AIF
Where Born: Greenough, Western Australia
Occupation: Farmer
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Single
Parents: William Benedict and Mary Ann Duplex nee Doyle, Eradu, WA; later Mrs
Goodwin, Irwin, WA
Description: Height 5’ 7”; weight 133 lbs; chest 33/35”; fair complexion; grey eyes; light brown hair
War Service: Martin enlisted 26 Jun 1915, at Blackboy Hill, WA, aged 26 years 10 months. He embarked per SS Makarini from Melbourne, Victoria 15 Sep 1915 and was taken on strength with the 8th Battery on 20 Oct 1915. Five days later, Martin was admitted to the 17th General Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt with a fever that was not diagnosed immediately and he became dangerously ill with meningitis.
Died of Disease: 28 Oct 1915 at Alexandria, Egypt, aged 27 years
Cemetery: Chatby Military and War Memorial Cemetery, Alexandria, Egypt
Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal